Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mask Poem, Jonathan Mendoza

Who am I now?
Just a mere shadow
floating on the
This false fortress
I’ve created,
so fragile,
the walls are closing in
The world sees a lie,
a suit, armor
created to protect himself,
little does he know it is
slowly making his shattered heart bleed
Each laugh thick with sorrow,
caught in an epic struggle
to suppress
the tears that burn
as they trickle slowly
telling the story of his
torn soul,
scarred from internal battles
that are forever raging
behind these walls
He tries to fill the abyss
with false happiness,
but relief never comes…

The fortress really his own grave…

How he yearns to break free from the
shackles that bind him…

Each link a deception
crafted from his
wicked lies

A silent cry is uttered,
forced out by the pressure, the burden building
pulsing in his blood
surging through his veins,
throwing him into a sad darkness
waiting for the day when
will break
through and
will come…

1 comment:

Mighty Mojo said...

Jon, this is wild baby!
Thank you for submitting!!!