Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let Everything Burn,Anthony Herrero

My nose stings with the intake of third world country.
Stale sex, urine and beer wrapped around
buildings promising futures and dreams
entrapping innocents and bystanders
I don't want to be here.
Don't want to watch his form
sprawled out like a chewed rag doll atop ratty cardboard.
No one should. His body sinks into it sadly almost...
Willing it to swallow him whole. I want him to stay like this.
Alone and broken, lusting for the innocence he robbed me of.
I could sit and watch his eyes, red and pulsing
roll back to the top of his skull. Stare right into the whites.
The image is a warming one. Then he would trouble no one.
Not. Even. Me.
And yet, this Hispanic woman I swore was a street whore
clops to a sudden stop; she gazes as I gaze
I know what will occur
The hell that shall be wrought. Her thousand bracelets clink and slink
in time with her jumpy, jarry movements. Spikes skulls swirls.
It's all on display to see. Pitch black hair, curves bathed in latex.
I shudder and am repulsed as they speak. Enjoy one another.
Their smiles are sickening. What use is it to warn them?
Of the son they'll nearly destroy together?
Or the daughter who will learn to earn the loss of innocence faster
than both of them put together?
Is it fair to tell him of the blood he'll spill, the girl he'll yearn for?
The son she'll abandon, the daughter she'll give up on?
I refuse to warn them of the future and it's radio shattering,
sword hurling, fury infested single sectioned path they'll walk
I don't feel like interfering and letting them miss out
on the misery handed from
Father to Son
Mother to Daughter
Parent to Child
It's so much easier to observe the match kiss the paper
let everything burn

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Need, Joanna Vogel

I am waiting for quiet, for a very specific
kind of hush. I am
waiting for a time when there aren't
any words that I don't
want to hear.
I am waiting for there to be
no words at all –
only eyes; only teeth and lips and
long hair that kicks up everywhere,
swirls like a wild halo of golden leaves
when you drive with all the windows down.
I am waiting for hands.
Specifically, I am waiting for your hands,
for your arms, waiting to be wrapped
in you. I am waiting
for you to forget
everyone else
but me. I am
waiting. I am

Waiting,Tatiana Cadet

So many things to look forward to
to wonder about, to be frightened by,
Like the future.
Waiting for the future to come
Waiting for a miracle or a revelation of some sort.
Who's waiting for the right time to talk to their child about sex?
Who's waiting for the right time to quit smoking?
Who's waiting for the right time to improve or make a change?
Who's waiting for the right time to be educated?
Who's waiting for the right time to speak out loud?
Who's waiting for that right person, the Prince Charming or Princess To Sweep them off their feet?
Who's waiting for the right time to listen & pay attention?
Who's waiting for the right time to get tested?
Who's waiting for the right time to do something about global warming or pollution?
When is the right time?
Why wait, when the right time is now?

I am waiting for my time to shine
& my voice to be heard
and recognized as more than merely a child
or just another teen....
Maybe that time is NOW!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I am waiting for,Ashley Alongi

I am waiting for a poem
To fly in through the window
Introduce itself and decide to stick around for a while
Or one to sneak into the room
Shifty eyed
And plant itself on my paper when I’m not looking
I'd take in a homeless poem
Down on its luck
Or a sick poem
And with some revisions I’d nurse it back to health
I'd prefer it not to be with someone already
Or it to be well to do
It can come in stumbling drunk for all I care
And I won't question how it got here
Because right now
I am waiting for a poem
And I’m getting pretty desperate…

Saturday, November 01, 2008

I am waiting for, Anthony Herrero

I am waiting for you.
I am waiting for the clouds to part,angels to sing.
I am waiting for this cell phone to lose meaning.
I am waiting for your guard to drop.
I am waiting for your walls to drop.
Not like molasses,that's much to slow,I've endured so much already
But like change down the sidewalk,rolling so fast you've gotta sprint to catch it
I am waiting for the music to hush.I am waiting for words - my words - to form literal meaning.
I am waiting for people to follow the rules they made.
I am waiting for the rules to get tired of boxing us in.
Slowing our every motion.Invisable last second,at my neck the very next.
I am waiting for my lungs to breathe evenly.
I am waiting for your voice to chirp happily.
I am waiting for the sun to rise.
I am waiting for a true blue new beginning.
I'm so sick of being needy,When I'm this good at everything I do.
I am waiting for my friends to cease dying.
I am waiting for pain to become gain.
I am waiting for the fire to quit burning.
I am waiting for Karma to take affect.
I am waiting for rules to be followed.
Isn't that all we have?Aren't we empty-handed when we disobey?
I am waiting for the pen to be mighter than any sword.
(Or,persay,a gun in these modern times.)
I am waiting for the good guys to win.
(the bad guys to end up in jail.)
I am waiting for endings to be joyful celebrations.
(for endings to have depth and meaning.)
I'm still waiting for you.
to have you
see you.