Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He Is My Problem, Shanicca Conyers

He is who I love
He is who I can never let go
He is my love/enemy
He is what I want
He is who I crave
He is what eats me up inside
He is why I act the way I do
He is who did this to me
He is who I hate
He is who they hate
He is why life will never be the same
He is what I want but can't have
He is who I hide
He is my problem


W Brown said...


This poem is fantastic, I really get a sense of your voice and your clarity of a forbidden relationship...

I can't wait to read more.

G said...

i luv your poem, shanicca!

always smilin! :-P
Ginny G.

Anonymous said...

I love your poem Shanicca and can really connect with what you have conveyed.
I look forward to more from you.