Tuesday, June 12, 2007

An Open-ended Letter to My Babies in The Writing Center, joanna vogel

Hello my lovelies! Hello my beautiful writers and readers (and you few Math and Physics studiers!), who continuously surprise me by sacrificing sleep to dredge up to the fifth floor and take up the pen (or pencil Jonathan, or pencil)!

Hello and… I suppose… goodbye? Oh, how I loathe leaving you all! For who else would I buy countless chocolate munchkins at seven o’clock in the morning and sacks of oranges to sell at bake sales? For who else would I obsess and obsess and… obsess?

Maybe I’m just a writer and, as such, am abusing the tendency to over-dramatize but, really, look, my friends, at all that we’ve been able to create in such a short time! We’ve eaten, we’ve studied math and science, we’ve held bake sales, kibitzed, partied, read, listened, laughed, ridden the F Train, banished some words and badly abused others.

We’ve written up a storm.

Now, as I leave you, I’m full of some kind of strange, almost heartbreaking sentiment. Sort of like a big fat mother bird flying out of the nest, just as her eggs have hatched and are chirping to be fed. Only, now you will have to fend for yourselves. You’ll get no regurgitated worms from me! (Well, maybe just a few, if you ask really nicely…)

But, hasn’t it been lovely?

Yes, it has. And now hopefully you’ll all learn from my many shortcomings this year and continue on to be even more beautiful and wonderful than you were when I was there to yell high-pitched prompts at you and snap my fingers for your extraordinary poetry and prose. And, while I’ve neither the time nor the tissues to write each of you poems and letters saying how much I love you and value without end your writing and dedication, know that without the support and hard work of all you pretty people, none of this magic would ever have been even remotely possible.

Thank you so much for playing along, and I hope you got as much out of the Writing Center experience this year as I did. Please keep on sharing the joy and magic of writing and literature with future generations of QHST Writing Center goers.

Peace. And thank you again for making this year so magical for me.



The Fly said...

Why must you make me come so dangerously close to showing an emotion? Why? Don't worry, knowing you, you will still obsess just as much in the future as you ever did. Well hopefully a little less, seeing as how you wont need to worry about prompts, me bugging you, and publishing the printed copy. Really gonna miss you being arround running everything, it ran like a swiss watch half the time and the other half....well it ran like a knock-off of a swiss watch, which oddly enough still runs better than a normal one. Ok, I'm going to stop before I start sounding sad or sappy. Can't go showing an emotion like that all willy nilly (is that even how that's spelled?). Gonna really miss you, this whole thing won't be the same.


Mighty Mojo said...

No, it won't be the same... It will be better! You all are going to be super (Fly, that is! ha ha) at running this thing, I can tell. I look forward to reading your furure works...(and y'all know you better be sending me emails!)


Ms. Mayo said...

Good news, Joanna,

We're keeping you on as a consultant!
