Monday, May 01, 2006

Welcome to The Q.H.S.T Literary e-Zine!

Welcome to the QHST Literary Magazine Blog! This is the first of many posts that you will see from The Q.H.S.T. Writing Center. Here you will find literary works from many of our own, home grown Q.H.S.T. writers and some works from outside writers that we just enjoy and feel like sharing with you all! Please support us by leaving constructive comments and if you would like for us to post some of your work in the literary magazine, please send us an e-mail containing your writing to or simply come visit us in room 203 during tutorial and bring your work with you!Remember, you can always use the human resources here at th eWriting Center to work on your writing, or just to share your work with us and get some constructive comments. We are always open during tuturial (Monday-Thursday, 2:20 - 3:00) and would love to hear your work.
~The QHST Literary Magazine Staff and Writers!!!~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fixed it so now anyone can post a reply. (used to need a blogger account now you don't) Just wanted to let you know. Delete this after you get the message. (Just hit the trashcan below the post while logged in)

P.S.: Almost forgot also changed the time zone of the blog to NY time, it was on LA time.