Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Dreamin' with your eyes open" - Anonymous

Left is right, up is down
right is wrong, light is dark
the world is complicated shades of gray
but it wont end, not until we know why
until we know why we live, we die, we dream

The world ain’t simple, it never was
never was meant to be, that’s the point
the point of it all, the point of life

Everythin’ backward, upside down
topsy-turvy, right side up,
all right, all wrong, always a mystery
like that place of shadow, deep in the heart
the unfilled void, that just wont fill

The world ain’t simple, it never was
it was never meant to be, that’s the point
if it was: How could we dream?


Anonymous said...

Hey Megatron,
I read your poem. I liked the energy behind the words. Some of the imagery caught my eye and some of the diction caught my ear.... Keep writing....You have much to say...and we'll listen.

Professor Rich Kent
The University of Maine

Anonymous said...

Made me think that dreaming is our way of saying - "what if...."

I like that!

Anonymous said...

Very, very good. You really went to the mat within yourself. It shows you have a lot of inner strength- this will carry you far in your life. Don't stop writing!

Steven B., Ph.D.